昨年5月30日から阪急百貨店うめだ本店で開催され、大好評だった「北欧フェア2018」。北欧フェアと連動して実施された、阪急百貨店うめだ本店とLifTeで企画運営を行い注目を浴びたのが、日本における北欧若手デザイナーを発掘するプロジェクト「Nordic Design Competition for New designers」でした。今回も、各国駐日大使館の協力を仰ぎ、「Nordic Design Competition for New designers 2019」が開催されました。
“Nordic Fair 2018”, which was held at Hankyu Department Store Umeda Main Store from May 30 last year, was very popular.The project “Nordic Design Competition for New designers”, which was conducted in conjunction with the Nordic Fair, and focused on planning and managing at Hankyu Department Store Umeda Head Office and LifTe, was a project to discover young Nordic designers."The Nordic Design Competition for New designers 2019" was held again in cooperation with the embassies in Japan.
|Nordic Design Competition for New designersとは?
「シンプルモダン」とも言われ、世界的に評価が高い北欧デザインは、多くの北欧デザイナー達が創り上げてきました。北欧を訪れて気付いたのが、現地で活躍する良質なデザイナーが、まだまだ数多く存在すること。実力がありながら、まだ日本では広く知られていない、若手デザイナーを発掘する目的で企画されたのが、この「Nordic Design Competition for New Designers」です。
本企画は、5月29日(水)から「北欧フェア2019」を開催する阪急百貨店うめだ本店と、北欧の情報を発信するメディア「LifTe 北欧の暮らし」の共同プロジェクト。今回のテーマは、「北欧の夏」。駐日各国大使館の協力を仰ぎ、現地のデザイン団体や、自治体を通じてデザイナーに声がけをし、多くの作品が集まりました。
About "Nordic Design Competition for New Designers"
Also known as "simple and modern", the world-renowned Nordic design has been created by many Nordic designers. Having visited Northern Europe, I noticed that there are still many high-quality designers working there locally.“Nordic Design Competition for New Designers” was designed to discover young designers who are powerful yet not yet widely known in Japan.
This project is a joint project of Hankyu Department Store Umeda Head Office holding "Nordic Fair 2019" from May 29 (Wed.) and "LifTe Living in Northern Europe" which transmits information on Northern Europe. The theme of this time is "Nordic country's summer". With the cooperation of the nordic embassies in Japan, a lot of works were gathered by calling out to designers through local design groups and local governments.
|審査員は「ミナ ペルホネン」の皆川明さん
応募された作品を選定する審査員には、昨年に引き続き「ミナ ペルホネン(minä perhonen)」の皆川明氏を迎え、選考の結果、1名のデザイナーが受賞となりました。
The judge is Mr. Akira Minagawa of "Mina Perhonen"
As the judges who selected the submitted works, Mr.Akira Minagawa of “minä perhonen” continued from last year, and as a result of the selection, one designer received an award.
|受賞者:Piia Emilia ピーア・エミリア

©️Jukka Isokoski
Winners: Piia Emilia
While being a fashion designer, she also works as a stylist. She has entered two works, "Kauppatori" and "Puutarha", and the two works have won awards.The two works are independent of each other, but it seems to be related to her when she considered "Helsinki Summer"."Kauppatori" means market square. Expressed a gull flying in the sky of the market square.And "Puutarha", which has a meaning of a garden, expresses bright flowers in the dim sunshine without getting dark even at night.
今回受賞した作品がプリントされた製品が「Nordic Design Competition for New designers」特設ブースで販売される他、ピーア自身によるインスタレーションも実施予定!受賞デザイナーが目の前で作品を作る行程が見られるまたとないチャンスです!
Winner Piea will come to Japan! Product printed with award-winning works sales and installations !
Winner Pied Emilia will visit Japan for 7 days from May 29 (Wed) to June 4 (Tuesday) in line with “Nordic Fair 2019” held at Hankyu Department Store Umeda Main Store!Headed by Hankyu Department Store Umeda Head Office's overseas fairs such as "UK Fair" and "France Fair", there are many local guests, and they have long been supported by many fans because they can experience the real thing. Many people are scheduled to visit Japan this time according to the Nordic Fair.
The product on which the award winning work has been printed will be sold at the "Nordic Design Competition for New designers" special booth, and Pia's own installation will also be held! It's a unique opportunity to see the award-winning designer make a work in front of you!
「Nordic Design Competition for New designers 2018」の受賞者はこちら
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